Sunday, April 2, 2023

How I show up for myself

Save some you for you, a statement often easier said than done as a parent. What has helped me is scheduling hair, makeup, and nail appointments. I can do my hair, makeup, and nails, but it's hard to do those things at home when my toddler wants my full attention. So I schedule appointments outside of the house to take that time to nurture and just be Tierra. I remind myself that it's ok to take time and recharge. Watch my vlog below as I go to the nail salon for a "self-care day." 

Not my usual post, but the message is essential. I hope you enjoyed my video of my self-care day. I plan on doing more, but let me know what else you'd like to see. What are some things you do to show up for yourself? Be sure to subscribe, like, and comment on my video.

Warm Regards ❤


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